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On the Road

Many of those I talk to are amazed when I tell them I live on the road, travelling from school to school across the country. I can honestly claim to have seen this country in a manner I never expected. My current lifestyle is liberating, and offers a gentler pace of life away from the usual stress filled work-place environments. I am truly blessed to be able to do this, especially at a time when most people are contemplating retirement. I have no desire to retire at all. My work life is rich in rewards, every bit as rewarding as it was when I was a teacher. I get to promote my passion for reading and writing on a daily basis, and promote my books wherever I go. The places I visit, and the people I meet, are a constant stimulus for my imagination and I can describe what I see on location. The children I teach have no end of ideas to help me create new stories and books. Like I said I'm a lucky man.

happy reading and live the adventure.
